Saturday, May 11, 2019

Cultural Lookbook - Mexican

Cultural Lookbook - Mexican

There are not enough cultural items in the Sims 4. It is by far the most diverse of all the sims games, but we need way more of it! Since I’ve joined the dark side and started downloading custom content, I’ve been amazed with what players have been able to create.
This lookbook is focused on a Mexican woman, as requested by an anon.  Forgive the few alpha-ish pieces thrown in.  


You can find these sims on the gallery under Origin ID: eregister or you can download the tray files here (mediafire, no ads.) You will still need to download all the CC for your sims to look like mine.
Disclaimer: I am a white woman. If I used something culturally inappropriate/insensitive, please tell me so I can learn and grow (and update the lookbook.)  I never mean to stereotype or imply these are the only types of clothing people wear. 
Thank you CC creators and enjoy!

Genetic/Makeup Details:

Look #1:

Look #2:

Look #3:

Look #4:

Look #5:

Look #6:

Look #7:

Look #8:


  1. Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for making all your lookbooks, I check every day to see if you have made any more and take great inspiration (and CC!) from them. Thanks again and keep up the good work! :D

    1. Aw you are so welcome! This made my day :) Feel free to send me requests; I'm always looking for inspiration too ;)

  2. The clothes for look #6 is missing. *sigh*

    1. Thanks for letting me know...I'll try to find alternate links.

    2. have you been able to find these?

    3. I found a folder of the creator's cc, but unfortunately the top and skirt aren't included. The "Embroidered Top With Tassel" is the closest thing to the outfit. Hopefully they'll add the pieces later!

    4. Hi all, I know it's been forever but I found new links for the missing clothing!

  3. I'm Mexican American and I can say that I like the style and looks that intended. I can say that not every woman in Mexico is gonna dress like this, but it does say Mexican and I do like it. Look #5 and #8 look a little Spanish maybe? idk? maybe its just me. But I like them.

    1. Thank you! I tried my best as a white person and I agree a few of the looks look more Spanish than Mexican. That was sloppy of me...I think I was just trying pump out a few more looks. If/when I do another, I'll research more and/or include less looks if they aren't accurate.
