Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Cultural Lookbook - Korean

Cultural Lookbook - Korean

There are not enough cultural items in the Sims 4. It is by far the most diverse of all the sims games, but we need way more of it! Since I’ve joined the dark side and started downloading custom content, I’ve been amazed with what players have been able to create.
An anon requested a lookbook on the ulzzang trend so this lookbook is focused on a South Korean Ulzzang Girl who dresses up in her hanboks for festivals, celebrations, and ceremonies.

Before creating these looks, I was aware that it's popular in Korea to do subtle makeup, but I never knew what the style was called, that it was a status that people gain through posting photos online (and being voted on) or what clothing went along with the makeup. Thank you for the request anon; I really enjoyed creating this!


You can find this sim on the gallery under Origin ID: eregister or you can download the tray files here (mediafire, no ads.) You will still need to download all the CC for your sim to look like mine.

Disclaimer: I am a white woman. If I used something culturally inappropriate/insensitive, please tell me so I can learn and grow (and update the lookbook.) I never mean to stereotype or imply these are the only types of clothing people wear.

Thank you CC creators and enjoy!

Genetic/Makeup Details:

Look #1:

Look #2:

Look #3:

Look #4:

Look #5:

Look #6:

Look #7:

Look #8:

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